The future of cleft
and craniomaxillofacial care

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Peter Sander

Peter Sander

Peter Sander was a GP for many years in Dorset. He took an active interest in the cleft services in Poole and maintained that interest since retiring from medical practice. His other great interest is in orchids, something with which his family have been involved for generations. He is a member of the RHS Orchid Committee

Peter’s past experience of medical practice and current organisation of national flower shows is valuable in guiding the charity in achieving its aims

Rosemary Watts

Rosemary Watts

Rosemary was for many years a key member of the cleft service at Poole.

She has had enormous experience in the management of children and adults with significant speech problems and shared this on her wide travels with the team or on her own to diverse parts of the world including India and Russia. She continues to guide the charity in planning its activities.

Paul Nicholas

Paul Nicholas

Paul Nicholas is a Finance Manager working for an educational publisher in London.

Paul’s association with cleft lip and aalate support groups began over 20 years ago as a result of his eldest daughter being born with a cleft lip and has continued throughout her subsequent care, being a founder member of the original support group for the service.

He has continued to be part of the team working alongside the clinicians providing support to patients with clefts and their families.

Tony Markus

Tony Markus

Tony Markus is a maxillofacial surgeon who, with the support of many colleagues, and at the request of the local childrens’ doctors, established a truly multidisciplinary cleft service to serve the population of Dorset and surroundings in 1985, a post from which he has now retired.

Over the years we have trained many young surgeons, speech therapists, orthodontists and other cleft team members from around the world and, with his fellow Trustees, he decided to establish the charity in 2006 with a view to sharing our expertise in the longer term.

Philip Worley

Philip Worley

Philip Worley has worked in the private and public sectors and his present job allows him to work closely with both. He specialises in support for international trade and investment, helping organisations large and small expand through exporting and working with foreign-based businesses who establish in Britain. He has lived and worked in Spain, Russia, Vietnam and Switzerland. Philip recently completed an MBA from Henley, where his elective subjects were International Business Culture and Project Management, with his dissertation on Motivation and Change.

His current role focuses on strategic and policy planning, helping develop new policies and strategies – and implementing them. Philip is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.

Nathan Romeo

Nathan Romeo

Nathan Romeo is owner and Director at Unite Medical, a medical recruitment agency supplying the NHS and Private Sector with doctors in specialist areas. He has also been a long term supporter of the work of Future Faces. He has gained over 20 years of experience in the medical recruitment industry.

Nathan also has a passion for the environment and global development issues. Having completed a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies at the Open University he intends to begin a master’s degree in global development.

Emily Bueno

Emily Bueno

Emily Bueno is a Managing Associate in the international law firm Mishcon de Reya’s London office. She specialises in trust and estate litigation, both domestic and international, as well as disputes pertaining to lack of capacity (alleged or otherwise).

She has been a trustee of Able Child Africa (a charity that works to protect, educate and amplify the voices of children and young people with disabilities) since 2019. She joined the board of trustees of Future Faces in December 2023.She brings extensive knowledge of Trusteeship as well as sound legal opinion